Digital Marketing Game Part-2

Many small businesses and even big ones for that matter, spend a lot of time debating the return on investment (ROI) of hiring an outside firm for their digital marketing. “Sounds great, but is this going to help me sell more?” The answer, in short, is NO. Not unless you’re playing the game correctly.

We already got you covered with a strong digital foundation. Missed that vital piece? No worries, check out our Part 1 Basics here

And the Game Plan Continues…..

Create a marketing funnel – The marketing funnel is a system that helps track the stages consumers or purchasers travel through to eventually make a buying decision. Give this serious thought as this aspect of your online marketing gives you the greatest chance to turn your online dreams into reality.

When someone visits your site, do they want to Stay or Go?   Mobile Responsiveness and Page Speed are two of the most important factors which determine whether your visitor sticks around or disappears

Social Media  The future of digital lies in companies being social and mobile. Use engaging social media posts to attract more traffic to your site. Using pictures, video, and other relevant media will help your posts get more engagement. This level of engagement will earn you the trust of customers or consumers. Businesses that create a more authentic and humanized marketing experience will be the clear winners in 2015.

Content is still King – When it comes to digital marketing in this day and age, content means everything. As Google continues to get better at connecting related search queries, long, in-depth content will become more important than ever. Looking at what the content is, where it sits and what it says is absolutely crucial to driving the success of your business. Refreshing the content on your website on an almost daily basis is no mean feat, but in today’s online purchasing world it is key to success. It is connected to every single part of the marketing funnel and is vital for digital marketing.

Now that you have some kind of game plan ready for the success of your small business online strategy, take some extra time to re-evaluate what you’re goals are. This is one time did it thing but has to be a recurring mindset. SEO, Social Media are all continously changing and so should you. Your digital strategy needs to keep up with all these factors. Digital marketing can get very exciting, especially when new technologies and methods seem to pop up every day. But here’s a fine line between being smart about getting your basics figured out first and blindly jumping on the next flavor-of-the-week tactic. By taking some time to examine your goals, you can increase your odds of success.

At 77th Floor Online, our team works hard to provide our clients with the best possible chance of increasing sales, leads, or whatever goal you might have in mind. Have more questions? Contact us, we’d love to help!



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